Monday, December 08, 2008

Young students organise mega media events in 22 cities of the country

Footprints Chennai team with dignitariesSymbiosis Institute of Media and communication, pune popularly known as SIMC, a reputed media and communication school of Asia is arranging events called ‘footprints’ all over India since 1999 to promote media and communication awareness amongst the students during November and December every year. All the events are organized by their own students as part of their on the job training.

Footprint 2008During 2008, SIMC had organized this Footprint event in 21 Indian Cities and one at Dubai, with uniform theme of Citizen journalism. The entire mega event is organized by 364 PG and UG students, by dividing the cities amongst themselves. During this year, more than 15000 young media students had participated in all the 22 footprints. They have involved more than 260 eminent professionals across the country as speakers. These footprints events generated more than 500 media reports across the country, besides social media write ups. These events involved an expenditure of around 75 lakshs, which was generated by the students through various sponsors.

From this year onwards, they have also instituted two awards for the young professional achRuhi Jhunjhunwalaievers in the media line in each center. They have honoured 34 such young achievers in the current year throughout India. These events helped all the students to have an hands on experience on marketing the events, sponsorship, public relations, photogrpahy, videography, advertisement, event management, etc.

When they had organized the footprint event on 5th December 2008 at Chennai, I spoke to Ruhi Jhunjhunhwala, a first year PG student of SIMC and the team leader of the Chennai Footprint team. Please listen to the interview by clicking 'play' button (12 minutes). (If you have a broadband of atleast 100 kbps, the streaming will be smooth. if the streaming is not continuous, you may download this file in mp3 format and listen)

This interview may also be listened in the following link

Todownload in mp3 format, right click this link and save to your desktop (11 mb)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

First edition PRCamp - UnConference at Chennai

Who can participate

Chennai PR Club and Prime Point Foundation(supported by Public Sector PR Forum) propose to organise a PRCamp Edition1 - UnConference on Sunday the 14th December 2008 at Chennai. In the concept of UnConference, audience becomes the speaker and vice versa.

Public Relations, Corporate Communication professionals, PR and communication students, teachers, journalists who want to enter Corpcom domain and Corporate CEOs may also register the names.

The venue is at Tenth Planet, 6th Floor, 807, Anna Salai, Chennai (opp. to LIC building) . This will be one-day UnConference from 10 am to 5 pm.

Registration of participants

The themes are decided by the audience and every one of the participant can share the views. Those who are interested to participate, may kindly register their names and contact details and how they will contribute to this UnConference.


We need atleast 5 to 10 moderators who will be moderating the sessions. Participants who are interested to be moderators, may also register their names.

Themes for discussions

Please suggest various themes/ topics for discussions.


We need sponsors for hall, lunch, etc. The sponsors can display their banners in the hall. Those who are interested to sponsor the event, may kindly enter the details or contact Srinivasan at 94440 50273.


Or please click 'edit' against the relevant title and then add the entries. Please do not forget to 'save page' after adding your information.

There is no participation fee. It is abolutely free. PRCamp needs only your knowledge and not your money.

Please register your name and other details by clicking the following wiki

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What is lacking in the banking sector communication in India?

Private sector banks communicate excessively; Public sector 'No communication' and only Chairman centric

Indian Banks Association (IBA) and Consumers Association of India (CAI) organised a Seminar at Chennai on 6th October 2008 on "Rights and Responsibilities of consumers and banks in banking services". Top officials from Reserve Bank of India, Banking Ombudsman, Information Commission, Banking codes and standards of India, IBA and Commercial banks from public and private sector participated in the seminar. From the consumers side, many eminent consumers participated. This is the first time, that consumers and banks are interacting at macro level in India in a large scale.

The entire pre-lunch session was devoted for the banking authorities to speak about their issues, problems and expectations from customers. Post lunch session was devoted to consumers to share their views on their experiences and expectations.

Ms Usha Thorat, Deputy Governor, Reseve Bank of India participated and delivered the valedictory address. (we will be releasing her speech in our next part)

On behalf of the consumers, K. Srinivasan, Founder, Prime Point Foundation delivered a talk on "Communication in Banking services". The script of his speech may be downloaded from the following link (pdf 50k)

Please watch and listen to the podcast - lecture by K. Srinivasan (14 minutes) - Click to play (the podcast needs a broad band of 150 kbps for smooth streaming. In case, the streaming is slow, you may download in your desktop and listen through windows media player)

You may also watch / listen to this podcast from the following links

Download the wmv format of this podcast - Right click and save to your desktop ( 5.85 mb)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Role of Indian Public Sectors and PR in the National building

Mr S Anshar Shah, Chief Manager (PR), Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), Chennai, one of the largest refineries in South India retires from the services of CPCL on 30th September 2008. Mr Ansar Shah is also one of the co-founders of Public Sector PR Forum (PSPRF) and he is the President of the Forum since its inception. PSPR Forum organised a felicitation and farewell function at Chennai on 26th September 2008.

In the picture below, Mr Vadiyanathan, Secretary of PSPR Forum (left) and Mr N Ravi, Treasurer of PSRP Forum (extreme right) are seen felicitating Mr Ansar Shah (centre) with Shawl and bouquet for his contribution to the PR movement.

Mr K K Acharya, Managing Director of CPCL was the Chief Guest. Besides, many eminent personalities like Mr Ganesan (Director General of Doordarshan, Delhi), Mr Deenadayalam (Former Chairman of CPCL), Mr Ramalingam (Former Chairman of CPCL) fecilitated Mr Ansar Shah. Many Senior Journalists of the City and representatives of Media also participated int he event. It is an unique event where a Public Relations professional is felicitated for his achievements by the Media professionals and his own past and present CEOs.

Picture below : Mr Ganesan , Mr Ansar Shah, Mr K K Acharya, Mr Deenadayalan Mr Ramalingam, N Ravi
Mr K K Acharya in his felicitation speech gave a detailed account of how Public Sector organisations in India are contributing to the National development. He also emphasised the need for Public Relations in transparent communication, so that people get the right message at the right time. Please listen to his speech.
(This podcast needs a broadband of minimum 150 kbps. If there is a lower bandwidth, you can wait till the buffer gets completed and then play to get the proper view. or you can download this in your desktop and listen)- Please click to play
You can also watch this podcast in the following link
You may download in wmv format (can be played in windows media player) - Right click and save to your desktop

Friday, September 26, 2008

National Media Conference 2008 in India - A Roundup

A National Media Conference and Exhibition 2008 was organised by Brahmakumaris (a well knwon spiritual organisation) and Global Forum for Public Relations (GFPR) at Mount Abu from 20th September 2008. Around 2000 media and PR professionals across the country and Nepal participated.

Many eminent professionals shared their views on the current trends in media and communication. Please watch the podcast on the National Conference- Roundup. Rajayogi B K Karuna, Vice Chairman of Media Wing of Brahmakumaris and also the President of GFPR explains the purpose and the proceedings.

(streaming of this podcast will be good in the broadband of minimum 150 kbps. If it is less than this, you may download and then watch fully or allow this to buffer fully and then watch)

You may also watch this podcast from the following links

If you want to download the podcast in wmv format (you an play in windows media player),
right click here and save to your desktop

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

National Media Conference - Social Media: An overview

Report by K. Srinivasan

In the National Media Conference held on 22nd September 2008, I delivered a talk ln 'Social Media'. Please watch the podcast and listen to my talk. (14 m)

You may also watch this podcast in the following link

To download this file in wmv format (can be played in media player) - Right click here and save to desktop

Monday, September 22, 2008

Live from Mount Abu - National Media Conference - Second Day

Report by K. Srinivasan from Mount Abu (Rajasthan, India)

Plenary Session II - 22nd September 9.30 AM to 11.30 AM

The Second day sessions started with the disussions on "Role of Mass Media in changing scenario".  B K Nikunj (Chairman of GFPR, Mumbai) initiated the discussions.  Prof. K C Mouli (Bhopal), Akshay Kumar (Former Director PR of Prime Minister of India), Devendra Patel (Consujlting Editor, Sandesh, Ahemadabad), Vijay Saihgal (Former Editor of Tribune, Chandigarh), K. Srinivasan (Prime Point, Chennai) shared their views.  (see picture below)

Speakers emphasised that Media was not above law and they had to function with more responsibility to the society.  One of the speakers pointed out that though the media was doing great job, they are caught like 'Abhimanyoo' in Mahabaratha war.  They find it difficult to come out of the various influences. Another speaker pointed out that because of the reporting by media, the Courts have taken up the genuine cases suo-moto and punished the culprits.  One speaker mentioned that the media is a double eduged weapon and needed to be handed carefully.

Social media came in for discussion.  How the social media has started influencing the youngsters and the need for following cyber laws was also discussed.  (In the picture below B K Nikunj is initiating the debate)

Panel Discussion - Need for socially committed media - 3.30 pm to 6 pm
In this session Prof. Pradeep Mathur (IIMC, Delhi), Madhurjee (CPRO, IIIT, Roorke), Jai Krishna Gaur (Govt. of MP, Bhopal), Anil Kumar Anal (Nepal), Shyam Kumar (Lucknow), Dr R L Jalan (Jaipur) parfticipated and shared their views.  (picture see below)
Valedictory Session - Spritualism for holistic and sustainable development  6.30 pm 8.00 pm
B K Om Prakash, Chair Person of Meida Wing of Bramakumaris chaired the session.  Dr V M Prasad (Jawaharlal Nehru Technical Univeristy, Hyderabad) delivered the valedictory address.  B K Sarala (Vice President, GFPR) concluded the sessions.
Nine Point resolution was also passed.  The resolutions demanded ethical and responsible reporting by the media; establishment of a Media Council;  coordination of PR and Media for Nation building, etc. (see picture below)
A special mention need to be mentioned about the large contigent of delegates from Hyderabad, representing GFPR.  They also demanded an one-day Public Relations Conclave at Hyderabad to enable the participation by South Indian professionals.   (see picture below - Hyderabad delegates).  
A mention has to be made about the environment and finest arrangements made to the delegates, including accommodation, food, meditation sessions, etc.  Around 1600 delegates representing various Media and PR organisations participated in the two day Conference. 

Live from Mount Abu - National Public Relations Conclave

21st Sep 2008 - Afternoon - PR Conclave - Session 1 (picture ab ove)

Theme : Emerging New India

Rajayogi B K Karuna, Chief of Media Wing of Brahmakumaris and President of GFPR welcomed and stressed the role of communication professionals in the Nation building. Dr C V N Reddy (Hyderabad), Dr V M Prasad (Professor in JNTU, Hyderabad), Mr Ananya Mehta (Professor of Symbiosis), Mumtaz Fatima (Vice President of GFPR) and K. Srinivasan (Prime Point) shared the views. All the speakers stressed the role of communication professionals in building the Nation. After the financial crisis in USA, India is likely to emerge as a financial giant in the world. Hence, the need for preparing ourselves to face the new paradigm was discussed. B K Aditi (Secretary of GFPR, Delhi) coordinated the session.

Session II was focussing on the paradigm shift and enhancing the values.

Prof. K C Murali (Bhopal), Dr A P Natarjan (Hyderabad), Ms Manju Wadgekar (PGIMER, Chandigarh), Kamalesh Meena (Rajasthan Govt), Madhuarjee (IIIT, Roorkee), Vasanth K Sharma (Northern Railway, Jaipur) aad)nd P B Raghavendra Rao (Hyderabad) spoke stressed the need for developing value in the profession. They also insisted on how CSR has to become the part of PR profession. (See pictures below). B K Heena of Perfect Relations, Mumbai coordinated the entire session.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Live from Mount Abu - National Media Conference - Inauguration

Reporting from Mount Abu - K. Srinivasan

National Media Conference organised by Brahmakumaris and Global Forum for Public Relations was inaugurated on Sunday the 21st September 2008 here. Mr B K Om Prakash, Chairperson, Media Wing from Indore and Mr B K Karuna, Vice Chairperson of Media Wing from Mount Abu explained the objectives of the Conference. The inauguration was formally done by lighting lamps (see picture above)

It was followed by the first Plenaruy Session with Dr C V Narasimha Reddy, Editor, PR Voice from Hyderabad chairing the session. Prof. Pradeep Mathu from IIMC, Delhi, Mr Akshya Kumar, Former Advisor to Indian Prime Minister, Dr Sudhakar, Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Hyderabad, Mr Sarat Mishra, Publisher and Editor of Samaj Daily, Cuttack and Mr N K Sindh, Political Editor of ETV, Delhi shared their views. (phto below)

The following points emerged during their talks:.

1. Presently, Indian Media is giving importance to 4Cs (Cricket, crime, cinema and celebrities). Vision is needed for Media and they should focus more on developmental communication.

2. Empowerment of journalists

3. Any freedom without restriction leads to chaos; Media has to develop National responsibility;

4. Media is accused of promoting sex and violence. They are also accused of glorifying the criminals;

5. Media should function like a watchdog;

6. Media should follow positive approach; get themselves prepared for that and train the journalists towards that purpose;

7. Valued based journalism is getting eroded. Spritualism plays a greater role to develop values and systems;

8.Media instead of reflecting the community voice, reflects only the corporate voice; Instead of public interest, media has developed commercial interest;

9. TV Channels have changed the culture of our country, which could not be done by even Britishers during their 200 years rules.

10. There is a disconnect between mass media and the masses (general public);

11. Media should develop self code of conduct, keeping the public at large.

Live from Mount Abu - National Media Conference and Exhibition 2008

Reporting from Mount Abu - K., Srinivasan

A National Media Conference and Exhibtion is being organised on 21 and 22nd September 2008 at Shanthivan, Abu Road (Rajasthan) by Brahmakumaris and Global Forum for Public Realations (GFPR). A grand receiption was held for the delgatges and speakers on Saturday the 20th September 2008 evening. An exhibition was also inaugurated depicting the various activities of the Media and PR wing of Brahmakumaris.

There are more discussions on 21st and 22nd on the various aspects of Media and Public Relations in India. I will try to report live and also podcast on the two day event.

Photo top: Reception meeting
Photo below : Section of the audience ( aroiund 2000 people participated)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Live from Olympics 2008 - Gym & Massage Parlour for Journalists

Mr S Sukumar, Photo Journalist reports from Beijing Olympics 2008:

The Media Professionals around the Globe now in Beijing have to keep their nose to the grind stone. May be they have to work for about 20 hours a day, since venues of the sports events are spread out through out Beijing. One cannot cover all events taking place at one time hence they have to pick and choose the sports events they are interested as well their country is participating. Even though the Media Transport system is available round the clock it will take hours to reach certain venues like Rowing, Boxing etc. Inside Beijing itself. For Sailing Competitions one has to go out of BEIJING.

The Media professionals could not get time to attend to their personal work hence Hair Cutting Saloon, Gym & Fitness Centre with latest equipment, Massage parlour, Library etc are provided inside the Main Press Centre Complex.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Live from Olympics 2008 - Indian Ambassador to China honours Indian Media

Mr S Sukumar, Chennai based Photo Journalist reports from Beijing Olympics 2008

Indian Ambassador to China Ms Nirupama Rao hosted a party to all Indian media persons & athletes in Marriot hotel in Beijing. Shri Suresh Kalmadi the president of Indian Olympics Association (2nd from left)& his wife seen with media professionals of India during party at Marriot hotel, Beijing.

S.Sukumar, Photo Journalist & other Media members are seen with the Indian Ambassador Ms Nirupama Rao

The IOA (Indian Olympic Association) hosted a party exclusively for the journalists and photographers of India in Beijing Taj pavilion restaurant. The extraordinary arrangements done by Mr Sandeep Metha, Chief PRO of IOA and the immaculate & unimaginable service provided by Shri Deepak Patel, Restaurant Manager (2nd from right, 2nd row) need to be appreciated. . The party was well attended by all the journalists in spite of their busy schedules. The President and General Secretary of the IOA Shri Kalmadi and Shri Raja Randhir Singh were also present.

The Restaurant Manager Deepak Patel with his Staff members. (Chinese Girls dressed in Punjab style)

Liender Paes is seen with Sandeep Metha the Chief PRO of Indian Olympic Association

Sunday, August 17, 2008

M B Jayaram gets IMM Excellence Award 2008

2008 IMM Award for Excellence, of Institute of Marketing & Managemen was conferred to Mr M B Jayaram, Chairman Emirates of Public Relations Council of India (PRCI) as the 'Best Public Relations Person of the year'. In a function organised by IMM at Delhi on 14th August 2008, Dr.A.R.Kidwai Governor of Haryana presented the Excellence awards to Mr Jayaram.

Media facilities at Olympics 2008

Mr S Sukumar, Chennai based Photo Journalist reports from Beijing Olympics 2008 :

I shall write about the media hotels, media massage center, media saloon, media gym and fitness centers provided exclusively for the World media persons in Beijing.

Beijing Olympics organising committee has approved some good Hotels in Beijing who are providing all the facilities to the journalists and visiting spectators from around the globe.

Here in Beijing the Olympics is celebrated like Deepavali in India. Hotels are decorated; visiting journalists and spectators are picked up from the airport.

The journalists and visitors are provided with 24 hours internet service free and big screen to view the Olympics games.

The above pictures shows the journalists updating their laptops with the current ongoing games thro the monitors of hotel Zaoyuanju - Hutong inn hotel.

A hotel called 'hutong inn', also known hotel Zaoyuanju is providing all facilities to visiting journalists and spectators. Tickets are being sold at the hotel venue.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Live Photos from Olympics 2008 - Food Court and Media Work Station

Mr S Sukumar, Photo Journalist has sent the following pictures from Beijing, China.

Food Court for Media persons

Media Work Stations

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Live report from Olympics 2008 - Food Court for Media persons

Mr S Sukumar, Photo Journalist of (Chennai, India) reports from Beijing, China:

The media people viz. the journalists & photographers have been provided with 24 hours work facility in 2 floors in an unimaginably huge halls.

A huge Food Court for the Media is being maintained by Mc Donand, with international food, beverages, coffee, tea etc available to every media person.

Especially a Pure Vegetarian like me "PAZHAYA SADAM" (cooked rice soaked in water) is also available apart fromwhite rice & vegetable rice. I have been provided with curd also every day as a very special case by the chief Chef from inside his kitchen.

These arrangement is being made by a Lady called MS. MOUNA who has been assigned the task of providing Curd every day. As you are well aware a south Indian cannot live without Curd Rice which ultimately cools our body system.


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Olympic Games 2008 - Day 1 - Press Centre

Mr Seshadri Sukumar, a Photo Journalist from Chennai, india reports exclusively for our blog from the Olympic village at China.

His report on the Day 1

It was too late yesterday. when I finished my work. it was 3.30 am

The media persons are well attended in Beijing. There are about 5900 journalists working in Beijing for their respective news papers of various countries. Managing this particular journalists population is very difficult, because the Journalists/photojournalists are always specious and argumentative.
Many Media Work Stations are provided in the Main Press Centre and all these are fully occupied by journalits to send their reports/photos. Kodak has a separate work stataion which they offer free for the Journalits/photographers. The speed of the Internet is superb
without which the photographs with high resolutions cannnot be transmitted immediately.
It is a nice experience meeting all the Photo Journalists/Journalists of various country at one place. Most of the faces are very familier, since I have been meeting them in similar
international games abroad.
(In the photograph, Seshadri Sukumar is seen standing in front of the Main Press Centre at Beijing)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

India's pride : Chennai NGO gets International Award

Suyam Charitable Trust founded by Ms Uma and Mr Muthuraman in 1999 helps around 260 poor children. More than 50 percent of these children are 'street children', who do have any facility or support for their livelihood. The rest are picked up from the bottomline of the society. Suyam Charitable Trust runs "Siragu Montessori School" and provide education to these children.
Suyam is also a partner organisation for the India Vision Group. Impressed with their commitment, we have highlighted them as Unsung Heroes five years back in our India Vision site.
Akzo Nobel is one of the leading paint companies in the world and their Community Development initiatiaves have been ranked as No 2 at global level. They are supporting around 550 projects in 45 countries with 2500 volunteers. Every year, they select 15 projects for the best practices at global level. The entire group of volunteers vote for three organisations (out of this 15) for cash awards of EUR 30,000. 20,000 and 10,000 for the first three best projects.
Siragu Montessori School was selected by them for the Second prize of EUR 20000 at International level. Mr Gerard Helmink, Director, IT Shared Services, Akzo Nobel, Netherlands and Mr Mahesh Somu, Indian Operations Manager presented the Awards on 11th April 2008 at the School itself personally. This amount should be utilised by the Trust for construction of new building and development of infrasture to these children.
I had the opportunity of interacting and recording a podcast interview with Mr Gerard Helmink. We will be publishing it in our PodUniversal and Corporatezine PR-e-Sense at the end of April 08.
Suyam has brought glory and pride to all Indians. "Though we have founded this trust, the entire credit of global glory, is because of the support and guidance given by our donors, friends and teachers who have the total dedication for bringing up these unfortuante children" says Mr Muthuraman humbly. Suyam may be reached at
Please watch some of the pictures:

Singapore PR Academy holds conference on New Media

PR Academy Singapore organises Conference on New Media
PR Academy, Singapore organises their 7th Annual Conference. Themed "Strategic Communication: Communicating in a New Media Environment" the event comprises a 2-day pre-conference New Media Bootcamp(20-21 May 08); conference proper on 22 May 08; and a post-conferenceworkshop on "Facilitation Skills for Community Engagement" (23 May 08).All three events can be booked seperately or as a package.

Details can be found at our conference website and delegates can register on-line as well.

Detailed programme is available at

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hindu Business Line collaborates with Educational Institutions

(L to R) N Ram, T V Mohandas Pai, K Venugopal The Hindu Business line, one of the leading Business dailies of India has been organising 'Hindu Business Line Club" in various Universities/ Colleges. In Chennai Region alone, 125 Educational Institutions covering around 15,000 students are part of this Club. Since Business Line has wide contacts with senior level Corporate Managers and Management experts, they organise lectures in all the Institutions for the benefit of the students, involving them. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Colleges to get such experts to talk to their students.

Since I am also in their panel of resource persons, I had the opportunity of participating in their grand get-together on 12th April 2008. Representatives from more than 100 educational institutions and senior level corporate managers / experts particpated. Mr T V Mohandas Pai, Director of Infosys Group was the Chief Guest. He shared his views on the HR Challenges facing the country.

While welcoming the audience, Mr N Ram, Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu Group of Publications expressed his concern over the declining reach in the traditinal media, due to the internet growth. He said that due to the enormous growth of new media, people are not willing to pay for news. He expressed that no rigourous survey had been done in India on the use of new media.

Mr T V Mohandas Pai said that India was growing at fast rate and India would be touching the GDP of US $ 2.5 trillion within 10 years from the present level of $1.25 trillion. That would open up a large job market for skilled persons. He insisted on the creation of large institutions with in-take of more number of students and to provide quality higher education. There should be more of partnership between industry and educational institutions.

uring the interaction session, Mr N Ram was sharing his concern about the lack of soft skills amongst the students. He said, neglect of soft skills start from communicatin and leads to unemployment.

Please read the full stories in the following links:

Friday, March 21, 2008

5th World PR Conference at London - Early bird discount till March end

5th World PR Conference, London
5th World PR Conference & Festival programme launched – and booking are open

The programme for the World PR Conference and Festival taking place on 23 and 24 June in London is now available and bookings can be made online at Early bird discount will be available for the bookings made before 31st March 2008.

The Conference and Festival themed ‘The public benefit of public relations’ includes 30 sessions on issues as diverse as::

■ How cities attract investment – the reputational issues that count
■ Appealing to different audiences and cultures – lessons from the front-line
■ Communicating in London, the world’s most diverse city
■ How businesses such as car manufacturers and gas suppliers can handle climate change and environmental challenges
■ How the ‘New’ was put back into New Zealand and how fundamental change has happened in South Africa

Colin Farrington, director general of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (UK) and chair of the Global Alliance, said: “Hosting the 5th World Public Relations Conference and Festival offers the PR industry globally a tremendous opportunity to communicate to the wider business community just what PR contributes to commerce and society worldwide.

“The programme is the product of extended consultation and it is our aim to maintain this level of interactivity at the event in June, allowing PR practitioners from across the globe the opportunity to come together to discuss some of the key issues facing the industry.”

The 5th World PR Conference and Festival takes place in London on 23 and 24 June at the InterContinental Hotel, Park Lane. Hosted by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (UK) the event is run in association with the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management.

To view the conference programme and to secure your place visit There is a discount on bookings made before the end of March 2008.

London embraces different people and cultures and what they have to offer: arts and culture, business and commerce, sports and events, food and entertainment. To find out what else is going on in London around the time of the World PR Conference and Festival and to ensure you make the most of your stay in London, visit and be inspired.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

10th PRISM Awards function by IPRS, Singapore

10th PRISM Awards function at Singapore

The Institute of Public Relations of Singapore’s 10th PRISM Awards Gala Dinner, the highlight of the PR industry, was held on Friday the 14th March 2008 at the St.Regis Hotel. His Excellency, President S R Nathan and Mrs Nathan were the Guests-of-Honour. President Nathan presented the Awards to the five winners of the Individual categories.

Held biennially, the PRISM Awards celebrated its 10th Anniversary this year. It unfolded many new chapters, showing strong signs of the industry’s growth and development since its establishment in 1987.

Firstly, it received a record number of over 100 entries from both the private and public sector. It is a clear indication of the importance that organisations place on public relations which contribute much to corporate reputation.

Secondly, IPRS introduced two regional awards. The Outstanding Corporate Reputation Campaign (International) award recognised PR efforts by Singapore based companies in three or more overseas markets.

The Outstanding Corporate Reputation Campaign (Asia Pacific Countries) award recognised efforts by organisations outside Singapore in any markets within APAC (Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands, excluding USA. These awards were introduced to highlight standards in corporate reputation, to foster quality networking within the region and provide benchmarks for campaign excellence in this region. These categories had good participation.

Lastly, the IPRS introduced new Individual awards for PRISM Awards 2008.
For the first time, an award was introduced to recognise a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or top executive who is PR savvy. The Outstanding PR Champion of the Year Awards was presented to an individual who contributed towards the PR activities and developments within the organisation to strengthen corporate reputation.

Mr Khoo Teng Chye, Chief Executive Officer of PUB-The National Water Agency walked away as the proud recipient of this inaugural award. The other special awards conferred were the Lifetime Achievement Award to Mr Basskaran Nair, Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, CapitaLand Limited; another new award, the Outstanding PR Mentor to Ms Winifred Chan, Managing Director of Barr & Chan Communications Pte Ltd;

PR Professional of the Year 2008 to Mr Michael Rose, Chief Executive Officer of MRA Communications Pte Ltd; and finally the Young PR Professional of the Year 2008 to Ms Lee Ling Ling, an Associate Consultant at Bang PR Pte Ltd.

President of IPRS, Ms K Bhavani said " I am very heartened to note that many Singapore organisations are striving to achieve excellence in their public relations efforts which contribute much to corporate reputation. Corporate reputation is slowly becoming a board issue. Senior management realise that reputation should be a critical business asset. The PRISM Awards thus encourages organisations to set benchmarks in public relations and communications."

The awards were presented at a black-tie, gala dinner which was attended by 450 guests. Heads of PR agencies, PR practitioners and CEOs and senior management from the private and public organizations were present. It was a record turnout and an evening befitting an industry which was fast growing in Singapore and internationally.

Created by IPRS, the PRISM Awards was started in 1987 as one way to recognise and reward organisations and individuals for outstanding contributions and achievements in Public Relations and Communications in Singapore. A highlight in the PR industry calendar, the biennial event aims to encourage creativity, originality and best application of public relations and communications practices across all sectors, in commercial as well as non-for-profit organisations. PRISM stands for “Public Relations in the Service of Mankind’.

Ms K Bhavani, President of IPRS, Singapore may be contacted at

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