While inaugurating the ICTCON'16 (Information, Communication and Technology Conference 2016) at Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, Prime Point Srinivasan advised the students to go for innovation, to make India strong at global level.
"Though Indians have very great capability and knowledge of global standards, India has not brought out any global product like Microsoft or Adobe. Many Indians are working behind these products. At global level, India is at 81st position in the Innovation index. Hence, Indian students should innovate more and patent their products. The main problem with Indian youth is the lack of self confidence. They should realise their potential and work hard to achieve greater heights. They should not give up with initial failures", he said.
He pointed out that another main hurdle was the 'I know it all attitude' amongst the corporates and many entrepreneurs. Because of this attitude, he said, that many organisations were not able to compete at global level. In the days of specialisation, the companies or organisations should approach the experts in the domain for guidance and support, instead of assuming that they have a better capability than the experts. He also quoted the example of Dharmaputra playing dice alone with Sakuni, when Duryodhana invited him to play dice. Dharmaputra, instead of playing himself, should have invited Krishna to play against Sakuni. The attitude of Dharmaputra that he could manage Sakuni alone, without seeking the expert advice of Krishna, had led to lot of crisis, Srinivasan added.
During this Conference, 51 papers were selected for presentation. The best paper award was received by Vimal Jenifer SJ and Naveen Kumar, University College of Engineering, Tindivanam. They had presented a paper on "Clinical decision support system for classifying chronic kidney disease using data mining technologies".
This National Conference was organised by the Department of IT of the College under the guidance of Dr Ganesh (Principal) and Mr Vijayaraj (HOD). The entire faculty team enthusiastically participated.
Some of the photos