Tamilnadu and Pucherry wing of Indian speech and hearing Association held their 2nd TAN-ISHACON at Puducherry (Pondicherry) on 13th and 14th October 2012. This Conference was attended by speech language pathologists and audiologists of medical profession. Though this two-day conference was fully packed with various speeches and presentations on papers relevant to their profession, they had organised a session on 'Cyber Challenges' by Prime Point Srinivasan, President of Cyber Society of India. Probably. This is the first time, any professional conference in India had included an important topic like cyber safety, to create cyber awareness among their delegates.
In the presentation, Prime Point Srinivasan focussed on the various challenges faced by the internet and mobile users and also explained as to how to manage the challenges. He compared the internet with a 'double edged weapon' and cautioned them to be more careful while using the technology.
Dr S Manoharan, President of TANISHA and Dr N D Rajan, Conference Chairman organised the event at Pucherry in a professional manner.
Please see the presentation of Prime Point Srinivasan.
Please see some of the photos taken during the occassion.