Smt Durgadevi choudhary Vivekananda Vidyalaya, Kolathu, Chennai has a 'Journalism Academy', started in 2009. The students from 6th Standard to 10th Standard are the members of this Academy. This academy provides opportunity to the students to improve their writing skills and also shape them as a future journalist. Frequently, the School is inviting senior journalists to interact and share the views.
Students interacting with K. Srinivasan on journalism |
When I asked the students, as to how many of them were having e mail account, almost 90 percent of them raised their hands. When I asked them, as to how many of them were using Facebook or twitter, more than 60 percent of them raised their hands. Finally, when I asked the students, as to how many of them were writing blogs, nobody raised their hands, excepting one girl.
This is a general trend among the school. and college going students. Present day students prefer facebook or twitter because of the sms lingos. On the other hand, one has to spend time for writing blogs, that too in a formal language.
Though facebook, twitter and other social media networks are good social media tools for connectivity, they are spoiling the writing habits of these students. In these social media, the students use sms lingos and abbreviated languages without proper spelling and grammar. Finally, when they are writing formal letters, they find it extremely difficult to write even a 100 word communication. I explained to the students the 'challenges' while using social media tools and how 'blog writing' can improve their writing skills.
Since the new generation students are highly techno savvy, I suggested them to create new blog and start writing once or twice a week. I asked them to write about any topic of their interest, including the sports, games, music, etc. I told them such blogs will improve their writing skils in long term and also their self confidence. Some of the students assured me that they would start a blog on the same night and report to me. I am awaiting their response. Mr Thanukrishnan, Principal and other teachers also offered to help the students by reviewing their blog and guiding them to improve the writing skills.
Another important aspect that I need to mention here is the perception of the students on the current media (Television and Print). Many of them rate the credibility of the media at less than 50 percent. Though, the students are very young, they seem to assess on what they see and hear. From the pictures given below, the readers can see the amount of interaction, the students had with me on the various aspects of media and journalism.
Another important aspect that I need to mention here is the perception of the students on the current media (Television and Print). Many of them rate the credibility of the media at less than 50 percent. Though, the students are very young, they seem to assess on what they see and hear. From the pictures given below, the readers can see the amount of interaction, the students had with me on the various aspects of media and journalism.
Please see the photo show:
Thank you sir.
really sir..your interaction with us was so impressive.i created a new blog as you suggested And using it.
thanks a lot sir..
Good job Shri Srinivasan. It is time the children knew about the value and significance of formal communication and good English, leaving aside the SMS lingos and abbreviated words.
V Rajendran
Advocate and Cyber Law Consultant
I was trying to think of the most influential social media campaigns of 2011 the other day, and I couldn’t think of one.I honestly can’t think of one social media promotion that was so innovative, I had to tell people about it. Now I really feel the importance of blog writing. Thanks.
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